Monday, April 4, 2011

Becoming a Designer

So, as you know I am on my way to becoming an Interior Designer. I am currently in my second semester of the design program and still loving it! I have learned so much already and I know that there is so much more to learn. My favorite part of the program so far, besides meeting great people, is drafting. I am a very technical person, I love using math to draw things to scale. My friends think its nerdy, but it is what I enjoy! I also have enjoyed learning how to color render, and learning about all the different styles that there are. Sometimes it seems like an overload of information, but somehow it is able to sink in. Funny how that works.
I am really looking forward to learning more about residential and commercial design and all the other parts left to this program, especially the internship in my final semester!

It is a good feeling knowing that you are where you should be, and doing something that you love.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break Inspiration

Usually, Spring Break is a time of fun and relaxation, maybe even chilling on the beach soaking up the sun. But not for me. This year I spent my time sitting in the house by myself bored out of my mind, and working on some schoolwork. Sounds like a blast right?
Well during my time at home I was able to watch a little tv, which never happens while school is in. One of my favorite tv shows is Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. This show is very inspirational for me because of two things. One, the designers are very good at what they do, they are extremely talented and creative. Secondly I get inspired by the reason for the show. The team of designers and contractors give up their time to help out a family in need, a family whose home is unfit to live in. Watching their reactions when they realize that they have been chosen to be on the show, and their reaction when they reveal the renovated house is simply amazing.
The fact that one day, I could have that impact on someone really inspires me to do the best I can while I am in school, and even when things get tough and stressful, I know I should keep on going.
So, even though Spring Break wasn't as exciting as some other's, I managed to be inspired.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Proximity Hotel

     Last week, in my Intro to Interior Design class, we took a field trip to tour the Proximity Hotel in Greensboro, NC. We started off the trip by dining at the Print Works Bistro which is connected to the hotel. After a delicious lunch and a dessert, we met our tour guide Stephen, who energetically told us all about the Proximity.
     The tour began looking down at the Social Lobby which is an area directly behind the Reception Lobby where guests check in or out. Stephen then lead us into the Revolution Room where special events are held, such as lunches or dinners. Next we entered into the Weaver Room which is another special events room. This room was one of my favorites because it consisted of many doors that could open up, turning the room into a "breezeway". This room is very suitable for wedding receptions and things like that.
     After that we were taken into some of the suites. These rooms were incredible. The large, wall-sized windows, let in so much natural light that during the day it isn't necessary to turn on any lights in the room. Even though so much natural light is let in, the privacy is not compromised.
    Another interesting place that we were able to visit was the roof. The roof is not a place where guests go, but since we were there for a tour, they allowed us to go. The reason we went up to the roof was to see the 100 solar panels. These solar panels are used to heat 60% of the water for the hotel and the restaurant.
     The thing that makes this hotel so special is that it is the first hotel to earn the LEED Platinum certification. LEED is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, which is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. To earn a LEED certification, a building project must meet certain prerequisites and performance credits within each category. They are awarded Certified, Silver, Gold or Platinum depending on the number of credits they achieve.
     Overall, I really enjoyed the tour of the Proximity Hotel, it is somewhere I would definitely love to stay if I ever get the chance.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chest of Drawers in AutoCAD

AuoCAD is a major part of the Interior Design world. This program allows you to execute detailed drawings of buildings, rooms, plans, and just about anything. It is a very difficult and confusing program but I think I am beginning to get the hang of it.
The above picture is of a chest of drawers I made in the AutoCAD program. There were many steps taken to complete the entire thing. The majority of the piece was simple because it mainly consisted of rectangles and offsetting. The top and bottom of the chest were more difficult because there are arcs involved which can get tricky.
The ogee feet located on the bottom of the chest were incredibly hard to do. We completed those in class seperately from the rest of the chest and later combined the two.
AutoCAD is a program that takes patience and practice. It can be very stressful but fun at the same time. The better you get at it, the more fun it will be!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Need a Little Inspiration?

Inspiration is hard to come by. To create a design, you need to have inspiration; something to base your design on. For example, a designer may choose a certain piece of furniture to be their inspiration for the rest of the room. They will choose a color palette, textures, and other elements all based off of that piece of furniture.
For me, I find inspirations in nature, people, and places. I am a country girl, and have spent a lot of my time outdoors, and have come to appreciate the incredible creation that God has provided. Also people, such as historical figures, famous actors in different time periods, as well as the people around me. With classmates and friends I am able to get their input on my ideas and that really is a huge help.
Finding inspiration is different for everyone, but everyone has it. Just dig down deep and find it! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Trend Alert: Color

Within the Interior Design program here at RCC we are required to take a color theory class (Principles and Elements of Design II). In this class we have learned a lot about color. How color can have a physocological affect as well as physical affect on us. Another thing that I have learned is that there is an infinite amount of color. From different hues, shades, tints, etc. it seems to be never ending!
With Spring arriving shortly and Summer not far behind, many of you may be wanting to do some renovations in your homes, maybe change up the color. So, with the vast amount of choices in color, how do you go about choosing the right ones? Well, here is one option, follow the trend!
Every year different paint companies choose a color that will be the inspiration for their products and designs. Here are a few examples of major companies and their choices for 2011.

This company decided on a color called Honeysuckle, which is a hot pink hue. I know what you guys may be thinking, pink? thats for girls! However, pink embraces boldness with a sense of grace.

Benjamin Moore:
This company has chosen a color by the name of Vintage Wine. This color has a layer of rich brown which provides comfort and familiarity.

ICI Dulux:
Their color for 2011 is Citrus Yellow. This color gives off a fun and positive energy feel.

These are just 3 examples of color trends picked out but there are many more companies with many more colors and palettes.

A tip for those of you wanting to do some renovations: do your homework! research and study colors that you might like to have in your home, don't just go out and pick any color, because like I mentioned before, colors can have an effect on you.

You're Here!

Hey! Welcome to my blog! My name is Meredith Allen and as you may have seen in the "about me" section to your right, I am an interior design student at RCC. For a project in one of my classes we are creating a blog and will be updating every Monday. So I hope you enjoy this site, and thank you for subscribing!