Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break Inspiration

Usually, Spring Break is a time of fun and relaxation, maybe even chilling on the beach soaking up the sun. But not for me. This year I spent my time sitting in the house by myself bored out of my mind, and working on some schoolwork. Sounds like a blast right?
Well during my time at home I was able to watch a little tv, which never happens while school is in. One of my favorite tv shows is Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. This show is very inspirational for me because of two things. One, the designers are very good at what they do, they are extremely talented and creative. Secondly I get inspired by the reason for the show. The team of designers and contractors give up their time to help out a family in need, a family whose home is unfit to live in. Watching their reactions when they realize that they have been chosen to be on the show, and their reaction when they reveal the renovated house is simply amazing.
The fact that one day, I could have that impact on someone really inspires me to do the best I can while I am in school, and even when things get tough and stressful, I know I should keep on going.
So, even though Spring Break wasn't as exciting as some other's, I managed to be inspired.

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