Monday, February 21, 2011

Trend Alert: Color

Within the Interior Design program here at RCC we are required to take a color theory class (Principles and Elements of Design II). In this class we have learned a lot about color. How color can have a physocological affect as well as physical affect on us. Another thing that I have learned is that there is an infinite amount of color. From different hues, shades, tints, etc. it seems to be never ending!
With Spring arriving shortly and Summer not far behind, many of you may be wanting to do some renovations in your homes, maybe change up the color. So, with the vast amount of choices in color, how do you go about choosing the right ones? Well, here is one option, follow the trend!
Every year different paint companies choose a color that will be the inspiration for their products and designs. Here are a few examples of major companies and their choices for 2011.

This company decided on a color called Honeysuckle, which is a hot pink hue. I know what you guys may be thinking, pink? thats for girls! However, pink embraces boldness with a sense of grace.

Benjamin Moore:
This company has chosen a color by the name of Vintage Wine. This color has a layer of rich brown which provides comfort and familiarity.

ICI Dulux:
Their color for 2011 is Citrus Yellow. This color gives off a fun and positive energy feel.

These are just 3 examples of color trends picked out but there are many more companies with many more colors and palettes.

A tip for those of you wanting to do some renovations: do your homework! research and study colors that you might like to have in your home, don't just go out and pick any color, because like I mentioned before, colors can have an effect on you.

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