Monday, April 4, 2011

Becoming a Designer

So, as you know I am on my way to becoming an Interior Designer. I am currently in my second semester of the design program and still loving it! I have learned so much already and I know that there is so much more to learn. My favorite part of the program so far, besides meeting great people, is drafting. I am a very technical person, I love using math to draw things to scale. My friends think its nerdy, but it is what I enjoy! I also have enjoyed learning how to color render, and learning about all the different styles that there are. Sometimes it seems like an overload of information, but somehow it is able to sink in. Funny how that works.
I am really looking forward to learning more about residential and commercial design and all the other parts left to this program, especially the internship in my final semester!

It is a good feeling knowing that you are where you should be, and doing something that you love.